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Circle of Opportunity


1. State the challenge by writing it down on a flip chart.


2. Draw a circle on the flip chart and number it like a clock (number 1 through 12), placing the numbers inside the circle.


3. Select any 12 attributes, either related or unrelated to the problem, and write each attribute next to one of the numbers . 


4. Throw a pair of dice (or one die) to select the first attribute to focus on.


5.  Throw a pair of dice to select the second attribute.


6. Consider the attributes, both separately, and combined, to find an association between the two attributes. Write down the associations as they occur.


7. Search for a link between your association and your challenge. Ask yourself:


  • What associations can I make?

  • What do the associations remind me of?

  • What analogies can I make from the associations?

  • What are the relationships between the associations and the challenge?

  • Any new insights? 


Materials: set of die, markers, two flip charts, and masking tape for posting flip-chart sheets.

Number of People: 4-7 people

Time: 30 minutes


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